As a Junior Representative, Valeria will join a global network of experts dedicated to shaping the future of critical raw materials. She will contribute to identifying core topics in material criticality on the international agenda, collaborate with Senior Board Members to develop IRTC event programs, and actively participate in the annual IRTC conference.


Resource availability is a crucial aspect of our economy, influencing societal, economic, and ecological issues. The importance of material criticality, especially for technologies like clean energy production, is still emerging. The IRTC project has been promoting knowledge exchange on this topic from various regional and methodological perspectives. It brings together platforms that discuss life cycle assessment, industrial ecology, and sustainable development.

A portrait photo of ecoinvent staff member, Valeria Superti with a quote that reads 'I'm excited to be part of this group of experts with different backgrounds. I look forward to the great opportunity to share knowledge and perspectives on materials criticality.'
What are Critical Raw Materials?

Critical Raw Materials (CRM) are raw materials that, in broad terms, are vital for an economy but which also have a high risk associated with their supply. These materials are very important for commonly used goods and applications, and a lack of them could affect the quality of life for individuals and businesses reliant on these goods.


One example provided by the European Union includes the modern smartphone, which might use as many as fifty different metals in its complete design. When those metals are listed as CRMs, then the ability to create the modern smartphone could come into question.

About the IRTC

The IRTC project, coordinated by the ESM Foundation and supported by EIT RawMaterials, benefits from the advice of a broad network of experts.


The project seeks to encourage information exchange on topics connected to material criticality, including life cycle assessment, industrial ecology, and sustainable development, and has been crafting academic conversations since 2018. In previous years, the round table has discussed themes such as “How methodology determines what is critical” and “Criticality and the circular economy.”


The IRTC is currently in its third phase, ‘IRTC-Training,’ which seeks to conduct an international conference to create an even more inclusive debate on criticality.